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This is the physical copy of our guidebook. Digital downloads are available as separate items.


Letters to Strangers presents...


The world's first-ever youth-for-youth mental health guidebook! In this book, we cover the A to Z of mental health in style. Featuring lots and lots of art submitted by young people around the world, an appendix with countless do-it-yourself resources, and a global approach to mental health, we guarantee that this guidebook is unlike anything you've ever seen. We are proud of our intersectional approach: every identity-focused chapter is written by and/or extensively reviewed by youth and leaders of that community. Though some chapters will be less globally-applicable than others (it is impossible for us to describe every country's healthcare system, for example, so we decided to just use the U.S. as a case study), this book for the most part is designed for a global audience. And though it is called youth-for-youth, practically everything in this book is relevant for people of all ages. Mental health, after all, affects everyone.


This book's features:

  • Written entirely by 14- to 21-year-olds and reviewed by experts and medical professionals 
  • Input of 50+ people around the world, from Tunisia to Bhutan
  • Almost 1000 citations of scientific papers and websites
  • 2 years of collecting stories and interviews 
  • The 1st comprehensive dive into race/ethnicity & mental health in the U.S. since the surgeon-general’s report in 2001


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Youth-for-Youth Mental Health Guidebook



  1. Types of Mental Disorders

  2. Types of Medication

  3. Types of Therapy

  4. Places of Treatment

  5. Navigating the U.S. Healthcare System

  6. Risk Factors

  7. Protective Factors & Self-Care

  8. Supporting Someone with a Mental Health Concern

  9. Race/Ethnicity & Mental Health

  10. Religion & Mental Health

  11. Gender/Sexual Identity & Mental Health

  12. Socioeconomic Status & Mental Health

  13. Deep Dive: Youth & Mental Health

  14. Conclusion

  15. Appendix

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